VSA Thailand the Land of Smile
VSA Thailand the Land of Smile
2014 is the changing year of Thailand. As there were serious political situation in the beginning of the year and everything go as there could be. Still, many question happen after thinking of Thailand.
Does the situation in Thailand calm yet?
Thailand is the one of tourist attractive country that always sensitive with tourism industry. We would say in every situation happen tourist or foreigners is the most important agenda that we always keep in mind, not because of we afraid of tourism industry affect but this is culture.
If you have been in Thailand even in some country in Asia you would touch the culture that the guest will be the priority. If you have visited Thailand house you would be asked to tasted to enjoyed the moment in the host place. This is culture.
If you have participated in International workcamp in Thailand, you would touch the honest, generous hosting and how priority treat for western. And again this is culture.
Hence, this is the answer that in every situation you will be safe in Thai mind. Political now calm and we are trying improve in the way it should properly go.
What is the highlight throughout 2014?
Throughout the past in the international field there were demand to English teacher teaching in Thailand. We always think about how to develop English for communication in education filed but in this year we found the truth of education gap in Thailand. We found the using effective English communication in the city citizens, on the other hand it is very lack of opportunity to learn in countryside.
So the supply not only searching for international volunteers to be with children in rural area but we seek Thai volunteers who live in the city and have the chance to lean different condition in their country as well. This is the turning point of non-formal education way we found that can be influence change base on the same culture.
Moreover the demand of Thai volunteers who want to exchange in international worldwide is increasing five double times this year. It could be the evidence that Thailand is now ready to be global citizens.
Are there any interesting activities in 2015?
There are new hosting project call Peace Village 2 since the first Peace Village have been hosted worldwide volunteers for few years. The aims is to develop InterCutural community living. So you will be in the traditional village to be yourself and to learn your friends.
Hatyai Wildlife and Nature Education Center, rainforest atmosphere, water fall, animal wide life is the new center providing for volunteers who interesting to be in different hot humid weather and feel how they are.
And the only one project for volunteers is Free Home Stay Providing. This is the idea to thankful for your volunteer spirit. We believe who decide to be volunteer is the one who has public mind so VSA provide Free Home Stay with host family around Thailand for early arrival before workcamp start. Volunteers will be with ordinary Thai family which really want to exchange with international volunteer.
Jarinya Krittikan