I couldn’t be more grateful and proud of myself to finally participate in Peace Village Project in Hat Yai City. Before I go, I just want to be in a new environment, meet new people and do new stuff, but this trip is actually more than that. It saved me. For anyone that struggling with social anxiety, it is really good for you to step out of your comfort zone and give yourself a chance to leave all the bad stories behind and create new memories with other people. I have found my happy self again, met not just new but amazing people that I really adore, heard about everyone’s stories and learned a lot from that. 

I got to spend 2 weeks with my 2 funniest and sweetest besties that I’ve ever asked for. They bring every good sides of me that I didn’t even realise I have it. We laughed, we talked all night and vibed together all the time. And I love them with all my heart.

I got to stay in a host family that are literally the best people ever. P.Tau - the owner of the house, took really good care of us like her own daughters, even that we’ve just met. She has a very big heart, she loves cooking, doing farming and taking care of people, and she is trying her best to learn English too. She is amazing and I’m sooo grateful to be one of her ”international daughters” hehehe. 

And for the activities we did through the whole 2 weeks, I love my Thai ”students” cause they are really good children, always happy and try their best to learn English. I love them all and really wish that I could stay here for longer. 

We also do the kitchen garden and farming which help us broaden our mind about agriculture. Even though it was hard at first but we’ve got each other and I’ll keep those memories forever in my soul. 

So yeah, do a lot of research about VSA voluntary and apply one for yourself. Don’t hesitate and be ready for a life-changing experience. Thank you VSA, and I’ll see you again.

By Thi Phuong Thao Pham Volunteer in VSA2410 Peace Village - Songkhla 7 - 19/10/24