The Preparation Seminar (PS) of Japan ASEAN Voluntary Service (JAVS) 2015
The Preparation Seminar (PS) of Japan ASEAN Voluntary Service (JAVS) 2015
of NVDA (Network for Voluntary Development in Asia)
and NICE (Never-ending International workCamps Exchange)
- 2015 Jan. 24 (Sat) - 28 (Wed) in Tochigi, Japan -
* There will be some programs in Tokyo on Jan. 30th and 31st you are welcomed/ expected to join!
Welcome to the first, historical JAVS!
We are very happy that you will join this important project with full of motivation.
Same as the normal workcamps, this project (Seminars + Workcamps) should be made by all of us together,
so please don’t hesitate to share your feelings and make proposals for improvement before/ during/ after it.
Your active, constructive and cooperative participation is a key for the success and let’s create a fruitful and
enjoyable time as well as new actions to make a “colorful and healthy” Asia & the world!
From all members of the organizing team in NICE and NVDA
1. Meeting point and how to go there
Meeting point: 18:30 on Jan. 24th at Mashiko bus stop
* Then, the staff of TCC or NICE will send you by car to the venue (about 10 min. drive).
* You can also check (general mainly for trains) and (for Tokyo Shuttle from/ to Narita airport). This Tokyo
Shuttle is recommended no matter on which day you’ll arrive. It leaves the airport between 06:00 and 23:15
(every 20-30 min.), takes 60-70 min. (but changeable!) and costs 1,000 yen (900 yen by advance booking).
* If you arrive before 24th and stay in the houses of NICE members or your friends, s/he will instruct you
how to go to Akihabara, so don’t worry!
A1. From Narita airport to Akihabara by bus & train (if you arrive on the 24th);
1) Take a “Tokyo Shuttle” bus dep. 14:00 from No. 2 stop of Terminal 2 (north)/ 14:05 from No. 19 stop of
Terminal 2 (south)/ 14:10 from No. 31 of Terminal 1 and get off at Tokyo station at 15:12 (non stop).
2) Walk to Tokyo railway station for 5 min. and take a train of JR Yamanote line direction for Ueno/
Ikebukuro and get off at Akihabara. This costs 140 yen, takes 3 min. and runs every 2-3 min. (e.g., dep.
15:27/ arr. 15:30).
A2. From Narita airport to Akihabara by train (if you arrive on the 24th);
1) Take an express train named “Sky Access” (not “Sky liner”!) of Keisei line dep. 14:04 from Narita airport
bound for Haneda airport and get off at Shinbashi at 15:12 (it costs 1,330 yen).
2 | PS of JAVS 2015
2) Change a train to JR Yamanote line direction for Tokyo/ Ueno and get off at Akihabara.
This costs 160 yen, takes 7 min. and runs every 2-3 min. (e.g., dep. 15:23/ arr. 15:30).
* There are actually many other ways to reach there via Nippori, etc. If you arrive quite earlier and take other
trains to enjoy Akihabara, etc. for a while, you may not need to go via Shinbashi.
A3. From Haneda airport to Akihabara (if you arrive on the 24th);
1) Take a train of Keikyu line dep. 14:54 from Haneda airport (first station) bound for Inba-nihon-idai and
get off at Shinagawa at 15:07 (it costs 410 yen).
2) Change a train to JR Keihin Tohoku line dep. 15:16 bound for Omiya and get off at Akihabara at 15:28.
This costs 170 yen and runs every 2-3 min.
For all of A1-A3, from Akihabara to Mashiko
Take a ”Kanto Yakimono liner” bus of Ibaraki Kotsu dep. from Akihabara at 15:50 and arr. at Mashiko
at 18:30. In case you miss it, there are two more buses (dep. 17:00/ arr. 19:40 in only weekend, dep. 18:10/
arr. 20:50), but try to take it at 15:50. It costs 2,000 yen for one and 3,500 yen for two tickets, so if you travel
together with somebody else or use the bus again on your return to Tokyo on the 28th, better to buy two.
2. Schedule and Programs
M/D Morning Afternoon Evening
01/24 (Sa) Arrival Orientation
01/25 (Su) Voluntary Work Workshop 1 Workshop 2
01/26 (M) Workshop 3 Voluntary Work Free
01/27 (Tu) Workshop 4 Workshop 5 Farewell party
01/28 (W) Departure for Tokyo Free
01/29 (Th) Free
01/30 (F) Free Asian Volunteering Fiesta
01/31 (Sa) Free Networking Forum 25th Anniversary of NICE
02/01 (Su) Departure for the workcamp
* Cooking the meals/ washing the dishes will be done by turns like the normal workcamps!
Please keep good manner such as cleaning the rooms, being not noisy in the night, etc.
Orientation/ Exchange time
After dinner, we will have a brief welcome and orientation from the organizers, then each of you will
have a few minutes to present yourself and your NGO as well as expectation/ fear to the project.
Ice breaking; Name chain, who you are, speach dating, mirror, cup song, Hello my friend
energizer; Bloom chikabloom, funky chicken,
Voluntary Work
NICE has been organizing the mid. term and weekend workcamps here with the hosting NGO, TCC
(Tochigi Conservation Corp) since 2009 and also AVS projects since 2013 (and one of JAVS workcamps
will be hosted here!). We will enjoy to revive the forest by cutting glasses/ branches and
maintaining the trails behind the abandon school (20 min. by car from the venue) where TCC started a
work from 2014 Nov. with another local NPO for child education. They aim to create an ecological and
sustainable forest where the children after the school can enjoy playing safely and various types of nature
experience programs incl. green tourism can be organized.
1. Asian Development Goals/ Briefing NVDA/ Goals of AVS
2. History & vision of TCC/ Details of each workcamp
3. Communication skills/ Problem solving/ Intercultural learning
4. Presentation of goal & plan of each workcamp (by play)
5. Common actions and PR/ Completing Goals of AVS
* Some more details of each workshop may be instructed later by each coordinator.
Farewell party
We will have a fun with the staff members of TCC (all of who have good workcamp
experience join the most part of the programs in addition to support our programs!) and also the
participants of Special AVS (Asian Voluntary Service) Forum where about 20 NGO leaders who
host and/ or send volunteers will exchange experience and create the common tools for promotion and
preparation of volunteers in Jan. 28-29th in our venue. So, it will be also a welcome party for them!
Departure for Tokyo
You can take the same bus back to Tokyo that should be the easiest and cheapest way (besides
hitchhiking). There are bused dep. Mashiko/ arr. Akihabara, 08:20/ 11:10 and 16:00/19:00. Otherwise, you
can also take a train (about every 40 min., change twice, costs about 2,600 yen, takes 3 hours to Shinjuku).
Of course, you can go wherever you want besides Tokyo (e.g., Nikko, Nasu, etc.)
You will have free days from Jan. 28th to your departure from Japan (Feb. 1st or 2nd), but we
have the following optional programs where you are welcomed to join (especially, Fiesta in the 30th night.)
For those days, NICE can provide free home stay around Tokyo (the meals need to be paid by yourself
unless the host family kindly offers) and also your sleeping rooms in the Olympic Center in Tokyo for the
30th night to those who will join the Fiesta, where you can help the leaders of your NGO to run the
introduction booth in Café time together and exchange with many Japanese youth/ Asian NGO leaders!
Please inform us of your plan as soon as possible since we need to prepare the things!
Asian Volunteering Fiesta
This event will be mainly for promotion of IVS (International Voluntary Service) in Asia. We
may have around 100 people, mostly Japanese/ youth who are interested to join the projects as volunteers as
well as those who have joined your projects (so, please invite them and any other friends!).
It will be done in the 3rd floor of Center building and the draft plan (may be changed) is;
18:00-18:30 Preparation of youth booth and already talk with some early coming visitors
18:30-18:40 Opening with brief introduction of some guests (e.g., universities and UN agencies)
18:40-19:40 Asian IVS Projects Contest: 5 selected projects will be presented with Q&A, then all
participants will vote each for the ones they’d like to join/ donate (with real coupon of 300 yen).
* The open call for 5 presenters will be sent later to all the participants of TNW & GA.
19:40-20:00 Break time (with voting, chatting, preparing tea, etc.)
20:00-21:00 Asian IVS Cafe: We will have a booth for each country with tea/ coffee/ snack from your
country and people can freely move around to talk with you. NGO’s presentation will be done by paper.
21:00-21:20 Asian cultural fun: Dance/ songs/ games/ World Tanabata Action
21:20-21:30 Closing (with presentation of the voting result)
Networking Forum - Glocal human resources & communities developed through IVS -
This event will be to start/ develop partnership between IVS NGOs and other stakeholders. We expect to
have around 100 participants (40 from IVS NGOs, 20 from local partner NGOs of NICE, 10 from
universities/ high schools, 10 from CSR companies and NICE members working in the companies and 20
from other NICE members and staff and 10 from JAVS participants).
It will be done in the International Exchange building and the draft plan (may be changed) is;
13:00-13:15 Opening with brief introduction of some guests
13:15-14:15 Panel Talk: 4 representatives each from IVS NGOs, Local NGOs, Universities and
Governments will discuss on visions, challenges and strategies of multi-stakeholder partnership on IVS.
14:30-16:00 Workshops: There will be following 5 topics (you may join either A or C.) each of which
will present 3-5 case studies in the first 30 min. and then have free discussion for 60 min.
A. Collaboration between Asian NGOs and Universities
B. Collaboration between Japanese NGOs and Universities
C. Collaboration between NGOs and Companies
D. Hosting IVS projects (for local NGOs and communities who are interested to do in Japan)
E. Exchange salon for present/ ex. NICE members (with providing a child care room!)
16:15-17:25 NGOs Market: IVS NGOs and also local NGOs will have a booth for each country/ area with
tea/ coffee/ snack and people can freely move around to talk with you for possible partnership. We will be
divided into two round (so, 25 min. for each). NGOs’ presentation will be done by paper. Again, please
invite ex. vols. from NICE to your projects also from your side to form the booth together with you.
17:25-17:30 Closing (with presentation of the voting result)
25th Anniversary of NICE
This event will be held in 18:15-21:30 to enjoy sharing 25 years history and another 25 years vision of
NICE and ivs movement in Japan/ Asia. It’ll be quite informal and there will be a lot of fun! We expect to
have around 120 participants (40 from IVS NGOs, 20 from local partner NGOs of NICE, 10 from
universities/ high schools/ CSR companies and NICE members working in the companies, 40 from other
NICE members and staff and 10 from JAVS participants).
< Some useful/ important information of NVDA and other topics >
* NVDA’s Facebook Fan page:
* World Tanabata Action’s Facebook Fan page:
* Biannual Plan of NVDA 2014-15
(You can find the basic info. about Asian Development Goals on Page 4)
* Biannual Report of NVDA 2012-13
* Draft SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)
* Impact collection form (personal level)
3. About reimbursement
* The conditions are same as what is mentioned in the call for the participants.
* Reimbursement of your travel cost will be done in the Evaluation Seminar in Thailand.
* Support for your participation fee will be reimbursed between NICE/ NVDA and the hosting NGOs.
4. What to bring
4-1. All the information we send you (including Call for Participants and this information sheets!! We
will basically NOT provide paper copies of the info. we have sent, so print them out by yourself to bring!)
4-2. Presentation of your NGO and projects (PPT, movies, Prezi, leaflets, pictures, posters, Projects
List for 2015, etc. to introduce to the other participants and Japanese people)
4-3. Tea/ coffee/ snacks/ recipe/ drink/ traditional or funny costume from your country
(especially for Fiesta, Forum and Party. You are welcomed to cook your country’s meals in the seminar
though materials we can provide are limitted. If costume is too heavy, just hat or shirt is still OK!)
4-4. Warm/ rain clothes (it may become below zero or even around minus 10 in the morning & the night)
4-5. Receipts/ Invoice/ E-ticket/ Boarding passes of your international flights
4-6. Working clothes (Long sleeved shirts/ trouser, gloves, sports shoe, towel).
4-7. Warm sleeping bag
4-8. Anything else you think useful/ necessary/ funny such as Lap top, Electric plug (be careful, we
use A type in Japan!), medicine, sandals, musical instruments, songs, tools for games, jokes, etc.
4-9. Big smile and high motivation to make this project as fruitful as possible together by all
* We don’t provide any insurance and cannot compensate to your any loss/ injury/ sick/ damage (besides a
small amount for injury by the voluntary work), so please prepare your own insurance!
* You had better to change money in your country like in the airport you will leave (if you change it in
Japan, the rate may be much worse) and bring sufficient amount of Japanese yen by cash since
it’d be not easy to find a place where you can use your credit cards/ get cash from them.
(As of 2014 Dec. ap
proximately, 1 US$ is 120 JPY and 1 Euro is 145 JPY. JPY is getting cheaper!)
5. Emergent contact
KAIZAWA Shinichiro (Kai), President of NVDA/ President of NICE
Mobile: 090-16178258 (from abroad, 81-90-16178258)
IGUCHI Yasunori (Yasu), LMTV Coordinator of NICE Mobile: 090-83088265
Do Thi Phuc (Phuc), General Secretary of NVDA/ Executive Director of SJV
NICE office, 03-3358-7140 (open 10:00-12:30/ 13:30-18:00 on Mon.-Fri.)
We are looking forward to seeing you in this historical first JAVS by NICE and NVDA