Job Shadowing in Croatia
Sawasdee Krub, Hello. I'm Laksana Rodtrakul. You can call me "Tum" I'm working for Volunteer Spirit Association (VSA Thailand). This is my experience, "First time in Croatia for Job Shadowing within the project Seeding Social Innovation in Local Communities".
Thank you very much for the host Organization "EUROPE HOUSE SLAVONSKI BROD" . I have learned and achieved the goal of the project.
"Main goal of the job shadowing activity is to introduce participants with the work and working methods of EHSB in term of conducting and preparing workshops, seminars, exchanges, local activities, volunteer work, etc."
More important beside the professional work is working by heart that people can touch.
Day 1
(Mon 05 Sep. 16): Traveling :
Hat Yai - Bangkok - Istanbul - Zagreb - Zadar, Croatia!
It take 1.25 hours from my Home town Hat Yai to our capital, Bangkok and then it took about 10 hours from Bangkok to Istanbul and about 2 hours from Istanbul - Zagreb and 45 minutes from Zagreb - Zadar, Croatia!
A good thing of traveling long way is I have time to concentrate on reading, writing and watching a good movies if there is on the plane. We would have time to think about yourself on your own seat that you have not very much thing to do.
Day 2
(Tue 06 Sep. 16): Arrival: Attend Citizens Forum - activity implemented under the Homo Europeanus project of EHSB.
I arrived at Zadar airport with sunny and heading to Hotel Donat, our accommodation for the first week mission
I arrived later from the group anyway I met up with the group with the warm welcome and friendly. The group member of Job Shadowing were 8 people from 5 different countries, Miguel and Daniel from Peru, Fauziah and Nadya from Indonesia, Ryosei and Emily from Japan, Trang from Vietnam and myself, Laksana Rodtrakul (Tum) From Volunteer Spirit Association (VSA Thailand).
Intercultural Night
In the evening around 9 - 11 pm at youth hostel, Zadar. There were intercultural night from the youth of 9 countries from Slovakia, Czech Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Spain, Bulgaria, Poland, Turkey and Croatia.
They presented their country, culture, food and drink. Most of them were using quiz about the country to get audience more involve.
Day 3
(Wed 07 Sep. 16): Way of active participation on local level in each country @ Free time in Zadar!
In the morning we joined workshop on different interesting topics and then we presented our project in each country. In Asia we have similar project types, we do international voluntary service to support our local community by organizing international workcamp (2 weeks) or Mid - Long Term Volunteer (MLTV)/EVS for 1 - 12 months. And the topics from the Netherlands and Croatia was very interesting for Croatia was Intercultural Education - example of good practice in Croatia and for the Netherlands, Education of Refugees/immigrants in the Netherlands.
Then we have free time in the afternoon. We went to Zadar old city by bus, you can but bus ticket at the small shop near bus stop but only for 2 way , it's cost 16 kn, on the bus it's coat 10 kn for one way. The old city of Zadar was building since roman empire. It's one of the beautiful city on the see coast and some how it's look similar to my province capital called "Songkhla" we are only on the see coast.
Intercultural Night
The youth from winning the game project presented their work shop about making video presentation of their interview local organization.
Day 4
(Thur 08 Sep. 16): Networking Session on Kornati Cruise
We did Networking Session on the trip Kornati Cruise to the National Park Kornati. "YES, It' true. On this trip we had a change to talk, play game, drink, eat, swim did small trekking on the island to see the beautiful nature with other people not only the group of Job Showing, like the staffs of other organization of Erasmus+, the youth from many European countries that we haven't got time to talk during the presentation.
Day 5
(Fri 09 Sep. 16): Meeting with Europe House Team & Free time with the Team in Zadar!
We had a meeting with EHSB Team, Iva Sedlic, EHSB Project Coordinator, in the morning to talk more about the host organization and the project itself and then she informed about the plan for Job Showing on the second week. Afternoon we walk to city of Zadar from our accommodation, it takes around 20 mins. I like walking because you can see more thing on the way, community , local life and talking. We explored all of interesting places in the city and end up with the sun set view in the evening.
Day 6
(Sat 10 Sep. 16): Departure from Zadar & Visit the National Park Plitvice Lakes!
We packed and have to say good bye to Zadar, the most beautiful city and see cost of Croatia and the best destination of Europe 2016, heading to Slavonki Brod, our next destination and the office of EHSB. On the way we visited the wonder National Parkcalled "Plitvice Lakes". There were a thousand of tourism here. I don't wonder why everyone is coming to Croatia. There are many beautiful nature, sea, beach, mountain , national park, water fall and a beautiful people.
Arrival to Slavonski Brod & Do City Run!
Finally after about 6 hours drive from Zadar we arrived to Slavonki Brod, one of the main city in Croation where EHSB office located. Slavonki Brod is located at the border of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina just across the River Sava. The city has a bout 60,000 people in habitat. For me it's perfect site to live and work and to cooperate to do Sustainable city project. One of the thing I do when I'm in other city is do City Run, running around the city is the best way to explore the community.
Day 7
(Sun 11 Sep. 16): Joining the Bike Tour Slavonski Brod - Ljeakove Vode!
We joined the Bike Tour Slavonski Brod - Ljeakove Vode for 25 kms. with local Bicycle club co-organize with EHSB to promote for people to be Active in sport. There were around 200 people joined. We met many local people, enjoying the country site of Croatia and be active and healthy.
Day 8
(Mon 12 Sep. 16): Visit to the Youth Centre Slavonski Brod & Study Visit to the Technical School!
We visit the youth center. This place belong to the city people could ask to use this place for free for public event and EHSB is also have an office here given by the city.
In the afternoon we went to visit Technical School. Meeting with the director, this school have been visited from the group from Europe and exchanging their student in other country in Europe but it's first time for them to host the group from Asia and Latin America.
Day 9
Participation in Classes at Technical School & Study Visit of NGO Limes - River Sava Cruise - Horse and Carriage Ride around the Slavonski Kobas - Presentation of local youth group!
Morning: It's our second day at Technical School. We separate into 3 group with local student in each group and then we participated in 3 different class to observed how students learn and study here.
After school we went to the village in rural area to visit NGO Limes and other local group to see how they work on rural community development and how they are promoting Ecotourism.
Day 10
(Wed 14 Sep. 16): Study Visit to the Secondary High School A.M. Reljkovic , Slavonski Brod & Meeting with Member of Scout Association "Mihaljevica", Slavonski Sumac!
We meet students and teachers. The students presented their school and voluntary club. We presented our organization and country then after that we walked around the school to see how student practice and their farm. After school we were heading to meet with Member of Scout Association on the way we stoped we had lunch the local beautiful restaurant.
Afternoon: we met up with Member of Scout Association "Mihaljevica", Slavonski Sumac. It was really nice to see how the kids being active. The scout in Croatia is different that Thailand. Here they have to recuse student to join the scout while Thailand all student from 10 - 15 have to learn scout at school.
Day 11
(Thur 15 Sep. 16): Visit radio 92 - EHSB office and See Folklore dance practice from the Youth of Slavonski Brod!
We went to community radio in the morning. Meeting the staff and see how they work. We were on radio to introduce ourselves and talked in our language. I was telling the longest capital name the the world of Thailand "The full name of Bangkok" by singing.
In the Afternoon we went to the office of EHSB. Talked more about the project they do and possibility of future project. We were invited to Iva's house with the warm welcome for her mother and cake, coffee and then we have a coffee party by singing together.
In the evening we went to See Folklore dance practice from the Youth of Slavonski Brod. It's very nice to see how youth people do their culture conservation.
It was our last day in Slavonski Brod, so EHSB organized a small farewell party for us at our accommodation.
Day 12
Celebration of European Mobility Week: Skate, Roller and Bycicle Session, Polojska cesta, Slavonski Brod - Info Point at Centrale Square of Ivana Brlić Mazuranic
We observed and join the activities of European Mobility Week. There were many young people and disability people joined in this event. It was really nice to see how they organized and get them involve of the acclivities. It could be a good practice for us to organize this event back home. Then in the evening it's time for us for say goodbye to Slavonski Brod and departure to Zagreb.
Day 13
(Sat 17 Sep. 16): Meeting with Volunteers Guided City Tour -Lunch Meeting with members of social corporate TASTE OF HOME - Work shop on how to make organic compost.
We enjoyed very much walking around the city of Zagreb to see most of the interesting places and get explanation from the local volunteer. In Asia we don't walk this much we always use motorbike, car or public transport to get from places to places even thought we get tried but we enjoy it very much. We walked to local organization that promoting organic compost and how to plan and produce your own food in the city and Meeting with members of social corporate TASTE OF HOME. There are immigrant from Africa and Asia, TASTE OF HOME offering them a job for cooking and organizing an event to get people together for cooking and eating together.
Day 14
Saying Good bye - Free time
It's time to say good bye and see you again. Hope that SILC project will continue for next year.
Day 15
Free time - Departure to Thailand
Spending my free time to work and explore Zagrab more.
Day 16
Arrival Home
I will be coming back home with motivation to the best of work for my country, local community and the family.