Japan ASEAN Voluntary Service (JAVS) 2016
5 colorful, nice projects!
2.5 months in 01/07-03/26!
Work & Exchange together!
< What are special in JAVS? >
Higher quality & impact
Get valuable networks!
Nice financial suport!
Reving forests & disaster area
Education in the monastry
Building Learning center
Empowering the slum area
Protecting cultural heritages
Organized by NICE (Never-ending International workCamps Exchange)
and NVDA (Network for Voluntary Development in Asia)
Supported by The Japan Foundation Asia Center
Hosted by CYA (Cambodia), NICE (Japan), COM (Myanmar), VSA (Thailand) and SJV
Table of contents
1. General Information (page 2-3)
2. Application guidance (page 3-4)
3. Program information (page 5)
4. Workcamps description (page 6-19)
4-1. Cambodia (page 6-7)
4-2. Japan (page 8-9)
4-3. Myanmar (page 10-11)
4-4. Thailand (page 12-13)
4-5. Vietnam (page 14-15)
5. Other information (page 16)
1. General Information of Japan ASEAN Voluntary Service (JAVS)
1-1. Background - why and how JAVS has been created? -
International Long and Middle Term Voluntary Service (LMTV) has been rapidly developed in Asia with creating unique impact to improve the situations of the environment, culture, development and so on, to activate the local communities and to promote intercultural understanding and friendship naturally, widely and deeply among the volunteers (mostly youth) and local people. It is also distinguished as one of powerful tools to grow up “global human resources” expected in many of universities, companies and governments.
On the other hand, the projects are not promoted yet widely enough compared with the potential needs in the societies due to lack of cross sectional collaboration, recognition in the societies and capacities of NGOs. In Europe, an exchange scheme of Long Term Volunteers named EVS (European Voluntary Service) has been actively organized since 1996 by European Commission and NGOs in each country. As there is no such a wide inter-governmental agency in the whole Asia, NGOs have even a bigger role and mission to lead creation of AVS (Asian Voluntary Service) that could bring huge benefits for the betterment of the societies as well as stronger collaboration, promotion and quality improvement of international voluntary service NGOs by having common, standardized scheme.
So, AVS was started in 2014 Apr. and gathered 26 volunteers from 6 countries for the projects in 7 countries till 2015 Sep. However, without financial support, it’s not easy to gather volunteers from various countries and we also felt needs to gather all volunteers for preparation and evaluation, so started this JAVS project financially supported by the Japan Foundation from 2015. The first project was organized in 2015 Jan. 24 - Apr. 22 where 15 participants from 7 countries were hosted in 5 countries. By seeing the great success, we have decided to continue it again in 2016!
1-2. Aims and expected impact of JAVS
< General aims applying to all projects >
1. Strengthen solidarity and positive peace in Asia.
2. Improve situations of commnities by direct actions.
3. Promote volunteerism and active citizenship.
4. Grow up friendship and inter-cultural understanding.
5. Develop global human resources and capacities.
< Specific aims depending on the themes of the projects >
1. Environment
Forests, Water, Climate change, Biodivercity, etc.
Poverty, Health, Disaster relief, Activating villages
3. Culture
Heritage, Diversity, Creation, etc.
4. Education
Formal, Informal, Non-formal, etc.
5. Social welfare
Children, refugees, challenged people, indigeous, etc.
By these outcomes, we aim to create a sustainable, fair and peaceful world;
- Where various types of ecologies/ cultures/ persons/ communities can be harmoniously shining with their own colors
- Beyond limitation of the modern civilizations with huge destruction of nature, traditions and human relationship