Fun facts about the Netherlands
Did you know that..
"the Netherlands" and "Holland" are used to describe the same country?
one quarter of the Netherlands lays below sea level?
the International Court of Justice is at the Peace Palace in The Hague?
the Netherlands have approximately 495 inhabitants per square kilometre?
with only 0.008% of the world's area, the Netherlands are the world's second largest agricultural exporter?
the Netherlands were one of the European Union's founding nations?
the Netherlands have at least 35.000 km of cycle tracks?
the Dutch language is also spoken in Belgium, northern France, Suriname, the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba?
the Netherlands still have about 1,200 traditional working windmills?
the Dutch are the tallest people in Europe?
Amsterdam is entirely built on poles?
the Netherlands always have a coalition government, which makes it a country of compromises?
the Netherlands have nearly 1,000 museums, with 42 in Amsterdam alone?
almost every Dutch person has a bicycle and there are twice as many bikes as cars?
people in Holland eat raw herring with onions on top?
about 20% of all Dutch babies are born at home?
the Netherlands have the highest number of part-time workers in the EU (four in ten people)?
the Netherlands' highest point is 323 metres high and is therefore called a "mountain"?
you'll find a bunch of flowers in almost every Dutch living room?
Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands, but The Hague is the seat of government?
most Dutch people speak at least one foreign language?
after Scandinavians, the Dutch are the world's biggest coffee drinkers?
people of 200 different nationalities live in Amsterdam?
the Netherlands have one of the youngest populations in the EU?
when your plane arrives at Schiphol, it lands 4.5 metres below sea level?
the Netherlands have the highest cable density in Europe?
Amsterdam has 1,281 bridges?
when Dutch schoolchildren pass their exams, they hang a Dutch flag and a school bag outside their homes?