EuroAsian Empowerment
The collaboration between Europe and Asian Organization, LINK Italy, ZJ Brontosaurus, Modry Kamen The Czech Republic, ADICE – France, Keric Slovakia-Host and 4 representative from Asia, CSDS Vietnam, Vsa Thailand, Dejavato Indonesia and KYSD Cambodia
The kick off meeting hosted by Keric Cadca, Slovakia on 4 - 8 November 2013 with the following cooperation details.
1. EuroAsian Tool - Fair training at Cadca, Slovakia on 2 - 9 March 2014. 2 staffs leader of each organization will participate in this events host by Keric.
2. Asian Empowerment training for trainers at Hanoi Vietnam 24 - 29 April 2014, 5 participants from each organization will be participating host by CSDS.
3. Job shadowing, the exchanging of organization staff due for 2 weeks. 2 VSA staffs will go to Link Italy on 3 - 17 May 2014 and to Keric Slovakia on 7 - 21 May 2014 and VSA will host staffs from Keric and Link on 1-14 June 2014.
4. Youth mobilities, Asian volunteer from each organization will join activities in European organization. VSA volunteer will be joined activities with ZJ Brontosaurus, Modry Kamen Czech Republic on June-July 2014
5. Training for trainers April 2014 after action no. 2, this program for Vietnamese participants but the participants who have been trained by training for trainers at Vietnam and Slovakia would be selected to be trainers of this event.