Renovation/Peace Village Sustainable Camp
14-26/01 by Hyun Kyo
Do new experience in foreign country. New friends not Korean! My heart was overflowing for this reason. I arrived in meeting point, Hat yai Station, met my first foreign French friend. I made my bed, unpacked my baggage. At last, Time to volunteering!
We woke up at 7 o’clock on every weekday and we worked a lot of different things. For example farming, office work, teaching in school, making bamboo chairs, collecting dead woods and so on. Also, I went to Songkhla beach, Monkey Temple, Waterfall with other volunteers in free time. I tried for the first time these activities that are my very important and valuable experiences.
People lost no time in doing something in Korean. But, I lived comfortably off in Peace Village. I gain liberty! Also, there are many things in Peace Village that cannot be learned from books. I learned many things. For example, many country culture, food, thinking, language. I’m very glad to exchange each country culture, language. I feel honored.
And people in here are very funny. They’re made me happy! If it is possible, I’ll come without fail. Thank you for giving precious experience and friends. I love Peace Village.
Hyun 'Kyo' , Korea